• Nail Fungus - 5 Nail Fungus Myths and Facts

    We are constantly being exposed to misleading information on different subjects, including health-related issues. What is dangerous about this is that if we are convinced and if we take the wrong information as the truth, we would not know the right thing to do. At times, we would choose to do nothing, but it would be more terrible if we do something that would make our health make a turn for the worse. For nail fungus, there are several myths that will be debunked in this article.

    Myth 1: Nail fungus cannot be cured

    Fact: Nail fungus is caused by fungi (Tinea unguium), yeasts (Candida albicans), and molds. These microorganisms thrive in a warm and moist environment, such as that which is found in one's foot. They can be eliminated by medications, but they can recur easily and spread to other healthy nails, and this gives a lot of people the idea that they can never be completely eradicated. Nails that have fallen out can grow back healthy.

    Myth 2: Nail fungus can be cured quickly

    Fact: It is very difficult to eliminate nail fungus since it is hard for medications to penetrate the nail. All kinds of treatments will surely last a long time. One must continuously and religiously apply the treatment to the affected area for it to work. Neglecting to do so will only result in negative results. Another reason why this nail problem won't easily clear up is because of the fact that nails grow slowly. Fingernails grow at the rate of 3 mm a month. Toenails grow even slower at the monthly rate of 1 mm and take around 1 year to get completely replaced. Thus, the replacement of damaged or infected nails takes a very long time.

    Myth 3: Nail fungus can be dealt with by using topical products:

    Fact: Topical medications can't penetrate the nails easily. The nail fungus thrives underneath the nail and using topical treatments only serve as an external attack. More effective against nail fungus are oral pills.

    Myth 4: Nail fungus results from poor hygiene

    Fact: You can't get nail fungus from having poor hygiene. The opposite is also untrue. It can't be eliminated by following any cleansing routine. Scrubbing or soaping the affected area won't cure nail fungus. What would definitely help in getting rid of nail fungus is boosting your immune system, through oral medications. Another solution to nail fungus is the use of doctor-prescribed treatments and proven natural remedies.

    Myth 5: One can catch nail fungus in a public place, such as a locker room

    Fact: Avoiding such areas does not play a big factor in the prevention of nail fungus since it is not highly contagious among people. The kind of fungus involved in this ailment can be found almost anywhere, and its residences include soil, water, and air. However, even if you are exposed to these fungi, you don't automatically contract nail fungus since your immune system holds them off before they can even take over your nail beds. When nail fungus does show, it is because your immune system was not able to fight it. What would help prevent nail fungus is eating the right diet in order to improve the condition of your immune system.

    For more information, kindly visit Toenail Fungus Treatment and The Statistics of Nail Fungus Infection